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    Marking the Moment
    Honors Program


    Paula McClain in Gross Hall 2

    Duke professor signs leading statement on systemic racism

    Department Awards

    A snapshot of graduate student scholarship - our annual report


    Year in Review: Awards and Recognition, 2022 - 2022

    Honors Thesis



    At Duke, French Ambassador Contemplates Europe’s Future

    Research Handbook on Mediating International Crises
    Research Handbook on Mediating International Crises
    Kyle Beardsley, Jonathan Wilkenfeld, David Quinn
    Who Wants What? Redistribution Preferences in Comparative Perspective
    Who Wants What? Redistribution Preferences in Comparative Perspective
    Daniel Stegmueller (co-author)
    Democratic Responsibility: The Politics of Many Hands in America
    求手机爬墙软伀。 - 好运百科(www.haoyunbaike.com):2021-9-1 · 话题:手机上怎么登录国外网站? 推荐回答: 手机 翻墙 软伀 有许多,我伀可伃利用这些 手机 翻墙 软伀 来登陆国外网站。 安卓 手机 翻墙教程: 注:安卓android 手机 翻墙的方法很简单,看如下教程: 1、 手机 浏览器点击如下的加速器链接进行下载或扫描右侧二维码下载。
    Nora Hanagan
    Türkiye'de Postanin Mikrotarihi 1920-2015 - Cilt 1: 1920-1950 / Microhistory of the Turkish Posts 1920-2015 - Volume 1: 1920-1950
    Türkiye'de Postanin Mikrotarihi 1920-2015 - Cilt 1: 1920-1950 / Microhistory of the Turkish Posts 1920-2015 - Volume 1: 1920-1950
    Mehmet Akan, Timur Kuran
    Decentralized Governance and Accountability: Academic Research and the Future of Donor Programming
    Erik Wibbels (co-editor)
    United States Constitutional Law
    United States Constitutional Law
    The Lure of Authoritarianism: The Maghreb after the Arab Spring
    The Lure of Authoritarianism: The Maghreb after the Arab Spring
    Abdesiam M. Maghraoui (co-editor)
    White Identity Politics (Cambridge Studies in Public Opinion and Political Psychology)
    Ashley Jardina
    The Cash Ceiling: Why Only the Rich Run for Office--and What We Can Do about It
    Nicholas Carnes
    Spatial Regression Models, 2nd Edition
    Spatial Regression Models, 2nd Edition
    Michael D. Ward
    Compromise: NOMOS LIX
    Compromise: NOMOS LIX
    Jack Knight
    Roman Political Thought
    Jed W. Atkins
    Tomorrow 3.0: Transaction Costs and the Sharing Economy
    Tomorrow 3.0: Transaction Costs and the Sharing Economy
    Michael Munger
    Incentives to Pander: How Politicians Use Corporate Welfare for Political Gain
    Edmund Malesky (co-author)
    The Peacemakers: Leadership Lessons from Twentieth Century Statesmanship
    The Peacemakers: Leadership Lessons from Twentieth Century Statesmanship